Diablo II Trainer

»  This hack tool edits the game's memory in real time,
»  it does not make any modifications to files.

Features so far.. d2.png
»  Non-Players die with 1 hit.
»  Player never dies.
»  Lessen player name restrictions.
»  Specified item drops. code list
»  Increased Misc Item Drop, such as gems, rings, amulets.

»  Still an early work-in-progress.
Needs more features, and better methods for existing ones.
»  Entering item codes above valid range may cause the game to crash.
Expansion mode has a higher range than Vanilla.
»  "Specified item drops" & "Increased Misc Item Drop"
cannot be enabled at the same time.

»  Place Trainer/Loader into the Diablo II
installation directory. Alongside Game.exe

»  v001; [12.18.2023] Initial Release
»  v001a; [12.20.2023] Rewrote functions for smaller binary size.
»  v001b; [12.24.2023] Added optional parameters "-w" & "-3dfx".
»  v002; [1.14.2024] Added Increased Misc Item Drop.

»  Diablo II 1.14d Client, LoD Expansion installation required.
»  Windows 7 or Higher

Project Development Status
»  [1.14.2024] This project is currently inactive.

MD5 hashs
»  96BFE88E339AA1A4ADFB830AA4B341C8

diablo2_loader_v002.exe  ↩ download